We will analyze your products, or project, recommend a distribution strategy - then roll it out and manage it for you!
* Dealer Distribution Programs
* Franchise Distribution Programs
* Big Box Retail Distribution
* Warehousing & Logistics
* Location Sourcing
Granite will develop and implement product or project specific strategies designed to maximize launch impact and market penetration!
If your Company's products are already distributed elsewhere in the world, but you want to get a foothold in the Canadian Market - contact Granite Management.
If your North American markets are now covered, and you are now ready to tackle the biggest developing market in the world...China - contact Granite Management.
If you have an existing local business that you want to expand across the Province, across the Country or around the World - contact Granite Management.
If you have invented/developed the "next big thing", but you have no idea how to go about getting your concept/product sold and distributed - contact Granite Management.