We are actively looking for...
Territory Service Representatives
We have openings for individuals (or firms) who can provide outstanding field sales, service and support, for our growing list of clients, within defined and protected territories across Canada and the United States. If you feel you have what it takes to add significantly to our talent pool, and to strengthen our geographic capabilities, then contact us.
Service Specialist Contractors
Granite Management is actively looking to add Service Specialists to its list of sub-contractors who are capable of taking on Contract Segments in their areas of expertise. If you, or your organization, have competancies in the areas of Web Design, Advertising, Graphic Design, Media or Public Relations, Event Planning, etc. please get in touch!
Manufacturers Reps
Granite Management is currently developing a Network of Manufactuers Reps and Agencies, so as to enhance its abilites to react to client requirements. If you, or your organization, have achieved penetration within distribution verticals (Big Box, Fortune 500, Government, etc.), or in Geographic Regions that you feel would be of interest, or of mutual benefit, please contact us.